Board Games Development

We begun our activity in 2006 inventing the prototype of our first historical board game. We didn't found immediately that it could have been a wonderful tool to teach history: it was too funny! 

We realized in a second time that board games could have been a way to tell History in a different and dynamical perspective.

We proposed a course of history using our games at the nearest high-school for three years. The first one we had 20 students, the second one there were 60, but the third one we had to close the subscriptions because of an overwhelming response.

Circus Maximus

In 2012 we invented Circus Maximus, a simple board game of skill and precision (but also a little bit of luck) in which the players must drive a chariot into the race till the victory.


Age: 5+

Players: 3-6

Duration: 15 min.


Two fleets are approaching one to another, their commanders prepared their strategy to sunk the enemy.


Age: 8+

Players: 2

Duration: 20-30 min.

Fortuna Audaces Iuvat

What happened around the Mediterranean Sea during the III-II century B.C.? Ten turn to tell to other players that things went as you said and rise your civilization at the top. You can play Rome, Celts, Cartaginians, Ptolemaic Egypt, Macedonia and Seleucids and try to be the most bold and the most lucky.


Age: 12+

Players: 3-6

Duration: 120 min.

The Diadochi War

At the moment of his death, Alexander the Great left an enormous empire that went from Aegean to Indian Ocean. His body was still warm when Ptolemy had to jump on the bed where the king lay to stop the dispute between the generals of the macedonian army. The match for the throne was already begun.


Age: 12+

Players: 4-6

Duration: 120 min.

Restauratio Imperii

As Justian ascended to the throne of Constantinople he was obsessed by a dream: restore the ancient Roman Empire. Four players will have to face a myriad of hardships to administrate the Dioceses of the Empire and keep them safe from the barbarians, built Hagia Sophia, and collecting the corpus Iuris Civilis... and restore the lost empire.


Age: 12+

Players: 5

Duration: 120 min.

Shah an Shah

-Game under construction-


When Septimius Severus reached Babylon with the army, was clear that the Parthian domination wasn't able to grant the political stability and safety to Middle East. It was time for the local governor to begun their private revolt and try to become the new King of Kings.


Age: 12+

Players: 4-6

Duration: 120 min.